Saving Your Company’s Image With Houston Commercial Pest Management

commercial pest management Houston TX

Commercial Pest Management

It was not until I was writing this article that I realized how important commercial Houston pest management is in the world. You do not think about every industry that seeks pest management in that industry, just think about hospitals, food processing, dairies/ranches, educational institutions, apartments, and I could go on. Even the government offices seek pest management.

In a commercial facility, pests are a threat to safety, sanitation regulations, they damage structures and equipment, and they will definitely affect the company’s image. The last thing you want to see running across the floor in the grocer or department store is a rodent, imagine the impression that would give you of that particular company. I really do not believe you would be returning anytime in the near future.

Commercial pest control is very important not only for the general pest, but also for animals you may not consider pest in your daily lives, such as bees, birds and other wildlife that may become trapped inside the commercial structure. Commercial pest control companies keep companies up to date for facility inspections and internal audits. The pest control company will keep an on-site, log books providing access to Materials Safety Data Sheets, sanitation guidelines and services reports. This will help with any planned or unplanned inspections your company may experience. Pest control in the commercial industry is not limited to just the interior of the building the exterior of the building is just as important. Think of the pests, making their home, in the flowerbeds around the structure.

A commercial termite inspection is also important when it comes to the company’s image. Commercial building can go years without anyone being aware of the damage a termite colony is doing to the foundation of a commercial building. In one year a termite colony can destroy almost thirteen pounds of wood in a single family home, just image the damage that can be done when you have a colony undetected for years in a commercial building.

No matter the industry commercial pest management is something that cannot be overlooked in order to follow city, state and federal regulations affecting any industry. Your company needs to find a commercial pest control company that will keep you and your employees updated on safety and rules and regulations. Termite inspections need to be done on a regular basis to ensure the structures safety. You also want to consider a baiting system that will work as preventative against the infestation of a termite colony.

 Technical Pest Services
 4514 Katy Fwy Houston,  TX   77007
Phone: (713) 956-7822